What is the Value of My Radio-Frequency Ablation Claim?


Ben Glass


Auto accidents can leave individuals grappling with a myriad of physical challenges, ranging from acute injuries to chronic pain. In recent years, medical advancements have introduced innovative approaches to address these issues, and one such promising technique is Radio-Frequency Ablation (RFA). If you have been in an auto accident which resulted in an injury and have experienced pain relief with nerve block injections, your doctor may recommend radio-frequency ablation on your road to recovery.

What is Radio-Frequency Ablation?

Radio-frequency ablation is a procedure that is used to relieve low back and neck pain. In the procedure, an electrical current is produced by a radio wave and is used to ablate or “burn” the nerve that is causing the pain. When the nerve is ablated the nerve is no longer able to transmit pain signals to the brains, giving the patient lasting pain relief. The procedure is minimally invasive and there is little to no recovery time, thus decreasing the need for pain medications and decreasing the time needed to return to work and other activities.

Auto accidents can lead to a variety of injuries, including soft tissue damage, fractures, and spinal injuries. While traditional treatments often involve a combination of physical therapy, pain medication, and, in severe cases, surgery, Radio-Frequency Ablation offers a novel approach that targets the source of chronic pain with precision.

The Role of Radio-Frequency Ablation:

  1. Pain Management:

One of the most common challenges faced by individuals after an auto accident is persistent pain. RFA has emerged as a valuable tool in managing chronic pain conditions resulting from auto injuries. By targeting the nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals, RFA can provide relief to patients who may not respond adequately to traditional pain management strategies.

  1. Soft Tissue Injuries:

Soft tissue injuries, such as whiplash, are prevalent after auto accidents. RFA can be employed to address chronic pain arising from these injuries by targeting the nerves associated with the affected areas. The precision of the procedure allows for targeted relief without the need for invasive surgery.

  1. Spinal Injuries:

Auto accidents often result in spinal injuries, which can cause long-term pain and discomfort. RFA can be used to target specific areas of the spine, providing relief to patients suffering from chronic pain related to spinal injuries. This approach is particularly beneficial for those who may not be suitable candidates for surgical interventions.

Benefits of RFA in Post-Auto Accident Recovery:

  1. Minimized Dependency on Medications:

RFA provides a non-pharmacological alternative for pain management, reducing the dependency on pain medications that may have side effects or pose a risk of addiction.

  1. Improved Functionality:

By targeting the source of chronic pain, RFA can enhance overall functionality and mobility, allowing individuals to resume daily activities more comfortably.

  1. Reduced Recovery Time:

The minimally invasive nature of RFA results in shorter recovery times, enabling individuals to return to their regular routines more swiftly than with traditional surgical approaches.

Do You Need an Attorney?

In our experience, we have found that radio-frequency ablation cases are challenging cases and will require legal representation. The challenge comes to whether your condition was caused by the accident alone or an underlying degenerative condition.

The difficulty arises because radio-frequency ablations are used to relieve pain, they stop the nerve from transmitting pain signals to the brain, but they do not solve the problem. This points to the fact that the condition being treated may be an underlying degenerative condition that has been aggravated in the car accident. The fight with the insurance company occurs with the argument of whether the treatment would have been needed, regardless of the accident.

Adjusters love to stick to the degenerative conditions argument for the cause of your injuries and resulting treatments, even if you have never been seen before by a medical professional about this condition. In our experience, a radio-frequency ablation case will almost always require representation for this reason. The reason adjusters fight so hard is because if you prove that the injections are related to the car accident, the insurance company is responsible for paying for any lost wages; your past and future medical bills; suffering, pain, and inconvenience.

Evaluating Your Radio-Frequency Ablation Claim

First and foremost, honesty is necessary when talking with your auto accident attorney about any prior medical history or treatments. This can have a big impact on the value of your case. The truth is a radio-frequency ablation case with a client that has never been seen by a doctor for related problems will have a higher case value than a client who has been constantly seen by doctors for the same problems.

Another reason that radio-frequency ablation cases become hard to evaluate: the procedure is used to block the pain sending signals to the brain and allow the patient to be pain-free, but it does not cure the problem. Because of this, it is important that you obtain in writing from your treating doctor:

  1. A medical opinion that your current medical condition is a result of your auto accident.
  2. The prognosis is your condition is likely to be permanent.
  3. An estimation of future costs that includes: costs of injections, physical therapy, and other medical costs.

There is no standard way to calculate a settlement for auto accident cases.  If you’ve been in an automobile accident and received radio-frequency ablation for your pain, you might be in the process of deciding whether or not you will need to hire a lawyer. Because these cases are complicated from both a medical and legal perspective, we recommend hiring an attorney to help get the money you deserve from the insurance company. In our experience with radio-frequency ablation cases, hiring a lawyer will help maximize the settlement of your case and take the unneeded stress of obtaining the proper narrative from your doctor and traverse the legal side with no legal experience off of your plate.

Our team of auto accident injury attorneys have years of experience handling radio-frequency ablation insurance claims. Contact us today for a free consultation.


Ben Glass headshot

Ben Glass

Owner and Attorney