A Guide to Soft Tissue Injury Settlements in Virginia Car Accidents


Lisa Derco


Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

Wondering about the average settlement for soft tissue injury car accident cases in Virginia? Settlements can vary widely, but typically range from $2,500 to over $200,000, depending on the specifics of the case. This guide will explore the nuances that affect these figures and give you the knowledge to help maximize your potential settlement.

Key Takeaways

  • Soft tissue injuries from car accidents, though less visible than broken bones, can be debilitating and carry heavy financial burdens due to medical expenses and lost wages.

  • Soft tissue injury settlements range significantly, from $2,500 to $200,000 on average, but the amount can be influenced by the injury’s severity, impact on daily life, and the strength of legal representation.

  • Hiring a skilled personal injury lawyer can really help you when it comes to dealing with the insurance claims process, going back-and-forth with the insurance companies, and making sure you get paid for all the costs and suffering you’ve been through.

Understanding Soft Tissue Injuries from Car Accidents

Man with sore neck.

One moment you’re simply driving, and the next, you’re dealing with the aftermath of an accident. And often, this aftermath involves dealing with soft tissue injuries. But what exactly constitutes a soft tissue injury?

Soft tissue refers to the non-bony parts of the body, which include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, connective tissue, fat, blood vessels, and nerves. Common soft tissue injuries from car accidents include sprains, strains, contusions, and whiplash. Soft tissue injuries resulting from these accidents aren’t as apparent as a broken bone, but they can be just as debilitating and impactful to an accident victim’s life.

The Financial Impact of Soft Tissue Damage

Soft tissue injuries from a car accident often incur significant costs, including medical treatment, mobility devices, and coverage for various losses. These injuries might appear minor, but the financial burden they bring can be substantial. The costs of treating soft tissue injuries can quickly escalate as the healing process can include expenses from doctor visits, hospital stays, and even physical therapy sessions.

But the financial impact of these injuries aren’t limited to just medical bills. If surgery is needed, the bills can become even larger, potentially leading to prolonged periods of lost wages due to the time you’re out of work while you heal. Additionally, severe soft tissue damage may warrant continuous physical and occupational therapy, adding to the ongoing costs for the victim. This is why maintaining detailed medical records and documentation of expenses is crucial to support the victim’s claim for a fair soft tissue injury settlement.

Typical Compensation Range for Soft Tissue Injury Claims in Virginia

So, what can a victim expect in terms of compensation for soft tissue injuries? The typical range for insurance settlements for soft tissue injuries spans from $2,500 to $200,000, with initial offers usually falling between $2,500 and $10,000. Obviously, this is a wide settlement range and many factors impact the result from the insurance company. The settlement amount is influenced by both economic and non-economic losses such as medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, as well as the strength of the evidence and the quality of legal representation.

Considering the average settlement, a strong case presented to the insurance company, supported by medical testimonies and evidence of the injury’s impact on daily life, can result in increased settlement figures.

Navigating Virginia Soft Tissue Injury Settlements: What You Need to Know

The journey to a fair soft tissue injury settlement can be a winding road filled with initial claim evaluations, medical assessments, and negotiations. It all starts with an initial claim evaluation by an insurance adjuster. This is where the settlement process officially kicks off – but we always urge those that have been injured in an accident to hire a personal injury attorney before talking to the insurance company. With the help of an experienced auto accident attorney, they can ensure you’re adequately represented and can significantly improve settlement outcomes by keeping detailed records of lost income, demonstrating the strength of the case, and ensuring that the impact of the injury on your life is duly recognized.

The initial settlement offer from insurance companies is usually low, which necessitates negotiations to receive fair compensation. Once you hire our team at BenGlassLaw, you’ll never be contacted by the insurance company again.

Severity Levels and Their Role in Settlement Calculations

Understanding the severity of your soft tissue injury is crucial when it comes to settlement calculations. Soft tissue injuries are categorized into three severity levels: grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 injuries. The duration of recovery from a soft tissue injury varies depending on the severity of the injury. In general, higher settlement amounts are associated with more severe soft tissue injuries.

Let’s dive a bit deeper into these severity levels and how they impact settlements.

Minor Soft Tissue Injuries

Firstly, we have Grade 1 soft tissue injuries. These are considered minor and usually involve damage to about 10% of the muscle group or ligament. The recovery for these types of injuries is generally quick, allowing individuals to return to normal activities relatively soon after the injury.

While minor injuries like Grade 1 soft tissue injuries often result in lower settlements compared to more severe soft tissue injuries, it’s important to remember that any injury deserves fair compensation. After all, even minor injuries can cause significant disruptions to your daily life.

Moderate Soft Tissue Injuries

Next up, we have Grade 2 soft tissue injuries, which fall into the category of moderate injuries. These injuries include partial tears of ligaments or tendons, which involve anywhere from 10%-90% tearing and damage. The recovery time for these injuries ranges from a few weeks to a little over a month, necessitating a longer period of medical care and potentially affecting your day-to-day activities and work life.

Common examples of Grade 2 injuries sustained in car accidents include shoulder impingement, often resulting from tendon inflammation due to excessive force, and MCL tears from the knee being forced into an uncomfortable position during a collision. These injuries require extensive medical attention, and this should be reflected in the settlement.

Severe Soft Tissue Injuries

Grade 3 soft tissue injuries involve permanent damage and can result in the loss of full use for a significant period, often affecting the entire muscle or tissue. Symptoms of severe soft tissue injuries include:

  • Hearing a ‘crack’ or ‘pop’ during injury

  • Numbness

  • Inability to move affected areas

  • Severe pain

  • Deformity at the injury site

Severe soft tissue injuries can lead to permanent damage and chronic conditions as the body repairs tears with scar tissue that is less flexible and resilient than the original tissue. A torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which can occur from unnatural bending during a car accident, exemplifies a severe soft tissue injury that may require extensive treatment and factor into higher settlement considerations.

Successfully proving a soft tissue injury case can be a complex process. Personal injury attorneys rely on medical evidence and consultation with medical experts to analyze the detailed aspects of the injury, future implications, potential complications, and projections for recovery.

Proving soft tissue injuries like whiplash can be more difficult than proving other injuries such as contusions and herniated discs because of the specific evidence needed to support these claims. In these cases, the nature of the evidence required can present challenges in establishing the extent of the injury. This is where a skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer comes into play. Their expertise and knowledge can greatly enhance the strength of your case and increase your chances of receiving a fair settlement.

How Pain and Suffering Amounts Influence Soft Tissue Injury Settlements

When it comes to soft tissue injury settlements, it’s not just about the financial costs and the severity of the injuries. The human aspect, often referred to as ‘pain and suffering,’ plays a significant role in determining the settlement amount. Compensation for pain and suffering takes into account both the physical and emotional toll of an injury, including conditions like depression or anxiety that may arise from the accident.

The multiplier method is a common approach for calculating pain and suffering damages. Here’s how it works:

  1. Determine the economic damages (such as medical expenses and lost wages) resulting from the injury.

  2. Multiply the economic damages by a number from 1 to 5 based on the severity of the injury and the extent of the pain and suffering.

  3. The resulting amount is the estimated value of the pain and suffering damages.

It’s important to note that objective evidence of pain and injury, such as detailed medical records and physical therapy documentation, can significantly enhance a claim for pain and suffering damages.

It’s crucial to remember that victims are entitled to seek compensation for pain and suffering; however, the amount varies greatly as it is subjective and must often be supported by thorough evidence and documentation.

Dealing with Insurance Adjusters Post-Accident

After a car accident, dealing with insurance companies can feel like navigating a maze. The soft tissue injury claim process includes an initial claim evaluation, assessment by an insurance adjuster, and settlement negotiations for soft tissue injuries. But take note, hiring a personal injury attorney soon after your injury, they’ll be your guide in this process so that you can focus on healing. At BenGlassLaw, once you sign with us, it’s never you versus the insurance company ever again.

The Importance of Medical Documentation in Virginia Personal Injury Claims

In the world of personal injury claims, the importance of thorough medical documentation cannot be overstated. Detailed medical records are crucial to demonstrate the severity of injuries, establishing causation, and providing evidence for the financial damages incurred. Seeking prompt medical attention post-accident results in accurate diagnosis and treatment records, which are indispensable for supporting the injury claim.

A documented medical history and comprehensive injury records play a key role in establishing causation by the accident and disproving allegations of preexisting conditions. Attorneys utilize these records to:

  • Assess treatment duration and intensity

  • Calculate lost wages

  • Manage negotiations with insurance companies

  • Enhance the claim’s overall value

Your Rights as an Accident Victim with Soft Tissue Damage

As someone who has suffered soft tissue damage from a car accident, you have rights. Victims of car accidents causing soft tissue injuries are entitled to compensation under laws focused on situations where someone else’s negligence is at fault. These victims have the legal right to seek compensation for both economic and non-economic losses sustained due to the injury. Some examples of these losses include:

Personal Injury Lawyer’s Role in Soft Tissue Injury Car Accident Cases

A personal injury lawyer can be your ally in the battle for a fair settlement for your soft tissue injury. These legal professionals play a vital role in soft tissue injury cases by:

  • Guiding clients through the claims process

  • Negotiating with insurance companies

  • Protecting the client’s rights

  • If your case does go to trial, providing court representation to advocate for the best outcome

The Best Lawyer Maximizes Your Soft Tissue Injury Settlement

When you hire an experienced personal injury attorney, you gain a powerful advocate on your side. They leverage in-depth legal knowledge to fight for a full and fair settlement that covers all your expenses and losses from the soft tissue injury – maximizing the total value you receive. Your lawyer can also bring in testimony from medical experts specifically trained in evaluating soft tissue injuries, giving your case a major boost.

Our team operates on a contingency basis, so you pay nothing out of pocket. We offer free, no-obligation case evaluations upfront. And you don’t owe any legal fees unless we win your case and secure compensation. This no-win-no-fee guarantee ensures you can access elite legal talent without financial risk or burdens while pursuing your soft tissue injury claim.

Long-Term Effects of Soft Tissue Injuries and Settlement Considerations

Soft tissue injuries can leave lasting effects on your life. Approximately 40% of sustained soft tissue injuries from car accidents result in permanent damage, sometimes causing lasting and disastrous consequences, such as chronic pain, disability, or loss of function. Severe soft tissue injuries can lead to excessive wear on bodily structures and organ damage, contributing to persistent pain and dysfunction.

Certain types of severe soft tissue injuries, such as those affecting the shoulder, knee, or elbow, may require surgery to alleviate long-term pain. Extensive physical therapy and the possibility of costly surgeries are often necessary to manage the effects of severe soft tissue injuries. A fair settlement for severe soft tissue injuries should account for future medical treatments, ongoing lost wages, and psychological distress caused by the long-term impact of the injuries.


After sustaining soft tissues injuries from car accidents, it’s important to understand the different types of soft tissue injuries when it comes to personal injury claims, exploring financial implications, addressing settlement considerations, and shedding light on the crucial role of personal injury lawyers in the process. Yet, it’s essential to recognize that each soft tissue injury case is unique – which is why it’s almost impossible to put a value on a settlement amount because of all of the factors that go into this number. Remember, your health and well-being are paramount, and you deserve to be fairly compensated for your injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common types of soft tissue injuries resulting from car accidents?

Common soft tissue injuries resulting from car accidents include sprains, strains, contusions, and whiplash. Keep an eye out for these symptoms if you’ve been in a car accident.

What is the typical compensation range for soft tissue injury claims?

The typical compensation range for soft tissue injury claims usually falls between $2,500 and $200,000, with initial offers ranging from $2,500 to $10,000. Remember, these are just rough estimates and can vary based on individual cases and circumstances.

What are the different severity levels of soft tissue injuries?

Soft tissue injuries are categorized into three severity levels: Grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 injuries. It’s important to understand the severity level of the injury to determine the appropriate treatment.

How does pain and suffering influence soft tissue injury settlements?

Pain and suffering can influence soft tissue injury settlements through the multiplier method, where economic damages are multiplied by a number based on the injury’s severity and the extent of the pain and suffering.

What are the rights of accident victims with soft tissue damage?

If you’re a victim of a car accident with soft tissue injuries, you’re entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and any resulting physical disabilities from the injury. So, make sure to seek the rightful compensation.

Have you sustained soft tissue injuries in a Virginia auto accident? Contact Us Today.

BenGlassLaw, Personal Injury & Long-Term Disability Law Firm: What Makes Us Unique

The BenGlassLaw process is designed to make this as easy as possible for you and your loved ones so that you can focus on recovery. For every single personal injury case that our team takes on, we have three promises that we are always focused on (and they’re what sets us apart from other firms):

We are great at finding insurance money. Our lawyers do a thorough examination of available insurance coverage by looking at: the driver, the owner of the car, family members, employers, your auto policy, and your health insurance. We leave no stone unturned to find every dollar that we can.

Some health insurance plans are entitled to reimbursement at the end of injury cases. Some health insurance plans say that they are, even when they aren’t! We help you keep as much of your money as we can. If you do not have health insurance, we can often negotiate discounts with your medical providers.

The auto insurance industry wants this process to be complicated. They want it to be difficult for you to understand who should pay, when they should pay, and how much they should pay. Our team of lawyers simplifies this whole process for you. After you hire us, we stop the insurance company from calling you and your only job is to get medical care and tell us where you got it. We take care of everything else.

Last but not least, most people think that they must pay an attorney upfront to engage their services. That’s not the case with BenGlassLaw. We don’t get paid unless we get money for you.

Lisa Derco headshot

Lisa Derco

Partner & Personal Injury Attorney