
Our injury and disability teams work to consistently provide new, free, useful information so that you can make the best decision about your injury or disability claim. You’ll find answers to many of your pressing legal questions right here. Of course, the smartest thing you can do if you actually have a case is to speak with an experienced attorney – you can reach out to us at (703)584-7277. That call is free.

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A Guide to Soft Tissue Injury Settlements in Virginia Car Accidents

Settlements for soft tissue injuries vary, but range from $2,500 to $200,000+. Learn how injury severity, lost wages, pain & suffering affect compensation.

Contributory Negligence in Virginia & Your Personal Injury Case

Virginia’s contributory negligence law is tough on accident victims. Even 1% fault can mean zero compensation. We explain the law, exceptions, and the importance of a personal injury lawyer.

Disability Claim Paperwork: Does My Doctor Have to Fill This Out?

Without a doctor willing to tell the insurance company that you are disabled and explain why you cannot work; your long-term disability claim has no chance.

After A Car Accident, Should I Go to the Hospital?

Deciding “should I go to the hospital after a car accident” can have significant implications for both your well-being and any legal claims.

How Are My Medical Bills Paid After a Car Accident In Virginia?

Learn how to navigate medical bills after a Virginia car accident. Understand insurance coverage, personal injury claims, and legal rights.

The Essential Duties of a Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident lawyer guides you through the complex aftermath, handling insurance negotiations and legal battles to ensure you receive proper compensation. This guide explains a car accident lawyer’s essential roles and responsibilities.